Page 12 - Bergerak Lebih Cepat dengan Karya Terbaik
P. 12

   #Highlight Focus
Karya's Role
in Supporting Government Priority Projects
Hutama Karya once again won the trust to be the leader in Indonesia's construction technology innovation.
By the Editorial Team.
As the pandemic dials down, Hutama Karya continues the construction process. In 2023, Hutama Karya won trust in the development of several government strategic priority
projects, including the Lake Toba National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN), the construction of the Karangjoang–KKT Kariangau
Toll Road in Balikpapan to support the construction of the New National Capital, and the continuation of the Trans Toll Road Sumatra Stage 2.
The IMVID Editorial Team talked about the development process of the leading project with each project head in charge.
Rejuvenating Tourism Potential on Lake Toba Resource: Prajapati Utomo, Project Head
Officially, the name of this project is 'Setting the Waterfront Area of Pangururan City and Lake Toba KSPN Area' with a work value of around IDR 161 billion. The Waterfront City Pangururan area will provide access along the lake's edge, equipped
with a floating stage, fountains, cafes, and various artworks. Meanwhile, the Tele Area offers a Tele Panorama of the Toba Caldera Geopark by renovating the existing viewing tower. Furthermore, this area will be equipped with art installations, cafes, skywalks, sky bridges, and rock installations from around the Toba Caldera.
Acting as the project owner is the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Directorate General of Human Settlement,
PKP Region III, North Sumatra. This project is a joint operation between Hutama Karya and Bethesda Mandiri, with a work portion of 70:30. Hutama Karya's work includes the construction of settlement infrastructure to support the Strategic Tourism Area on Lake Toba, Samosir Regency, including foundation work,
  kebutuhan beton ready mix. Sementara bobot pekerjaan pada lokasi jembatan menjadi lingkup pekerjaan terbesar dan membutuhkan perhatian khusus karena melewati tiga alur sungai sementara arus pelayaran harus tetap berjalan.
Dari sisi teknologi, tim menerapkan digital construction mulai dari pengambilan survei awal menggunakan drone Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) dan menerapkan Building Information Modeling (BIM). Tim juga memanfaatkan alat- alat seperti mmGPS untuk menjaga International Roughness Index (IRI) jalan tol, electrical density gauge (EDG) sebagai pengganti sand cone test, dan intelligent compactor untuk menjaga kepadatan jalan tol. Sementara Dashboard Project Management Information System (PMIS), CCTV, kamera 360, dan drone photogrammetry dimanfaatkan untuk melakukan evaluasi dan memantau kegiatan proyek.
Proyek ini mengedepankan kelestarian lingkungan dan mengusung kebudayaan lokal. Pemotongan pohon dilakukan seminimal mungkin dan penanaman pohon akan dilakukan kembali di lokasi lainnya untuk menggantikan pohon yang dipotong karena terkena lingkup jalan tol. Beautifikasi jembatan, overpass, dan junction juga tidak lepas dari konsep budaya Kalimantan Timur.
Hutama Karya berharap proyek ini dapat menjadi benchmark proyek yang tepat mutu, tepat waktu, dan tepat biaya. Dalam mendukung percepatan pembangunan Jalan Tol IKN, proyek Jalan Tol Karangjoang–KKT Kariangau Segmen 3A mencerminkan kualitas Perusahaan sebagai leader dalam inovasi teknologi.
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