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 AI in the Construction Industry: Opportunities and Potential
Discover how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can change the face of the construction industry with innovative and effective solutions.
Globally, $10 trillion per year is spent on activities related to the construction industry. This number is expected to increase to 4.2% in 2023.
This significant expenditure plans to integrate the technology into a construction industry ecosystem. In its report entitled The Next Normal in Construction: How Disruption is Shaping the World's Largest Ecosystem, McKinsey also predicted that the construction industry would continue to be developed, focusing on artificial intelligence (AI) as the primary solution.
This prediction is inseparable from the many challenges that impede the growth of the construction industry and result
in decreased productivity, which is lower than that of other industries. The construction world is an industry that rarely utilizes technology digitalization. Unsurprisingly, the lack of digitalization in this industry makes project management more complex because it still uses manual systems.
In addition, the need for more technology adoption in the construction industry also causes cost inefficiencies, project delays, suboptimal performance, inaccurate decision-making, and decreased quality, productivity, health, and safety. Therefore, it is only fitting that the construction industry embraces rapid and precise technological advances to overcome these problems.
One of the technological developments that have been in the spotlight lately is artificial intelligence (AI), which has proven effective in dealing with various problems in other industries. For example, artificial intelligence (AI) has also been applied in the construction sector. As a result, it has a positive impact on the industry.
Sofiat O. Abioye and his team reported the results of their study in a journal entitled Artificial Intelligence in the construction industry: A Review of present status, opportunities, and future challenges. The report applies seven main subfields of artificial intelligence in the construction industry. Among them are machine learning, computer vision, automated planning
and scheduling, robotics, knowledge-based systems, natural language processing, and optimization.
Subfields of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
1. Machine learning
Machine Learning relates to designing and using pre-existing data-based computer programs for modeling, control, and prediction purposes using statistical techniques without being explicitly programmed.
2. Computer vision
Computer vision is an artificial simulation in the form of
the human visual system. Because it is intended to create machines capable of imitating human intelligence, computer vision is made with a high-level understanding based on
digital and multidimensional images by capturing images through appropriate devices, processing them using the latest algorithms, and analyzing images to facilitate decision-making.
3. Automated planning and scheduling
Automated planning is a subfield of AI that uses artificial intelligence systems to achieve desired goals or objectives by carefully selecting and arranging actions based on expected results.
Meanwhile, automated scheduling involves selecting a plan and allocating the time and resources needed to achieve the desired goals based on the total available resources.

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